


Environmental Policy

The Shinko Shoji Group actively addresses environmental issues as one of its top priorities in management to engage in the creation of a new culture through our daily business activities and contribute to society. We are also committed to the realization of "sustainable development," which aims for social and economic development in harmony with the global environment.


The Group conducts its various business activities in compliance with the following policies.

  1. 1

    Basic stance on the environment:
    As a member of society, we give full consideration to the preservation of the global environment.

  2. 2

    Compliance with environmental laws and regulations:
    We comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and agreements to which the Group consents.

  3. 3

    Green Procurement:
    We give priority to procuring products and services with low environmental impact.

  4. 4

    Promoting environmental conservation:
    We promote environmental conservation activities through saving resources and energy, recycling, efficient logistics, and promoting efficient operations.

  5. 5

    Contribution to the establishment of a recycling-oriented society:
    We work toward the establishment of a recycling-oriented society through efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste.

  6. 6

    Enhancement of environmental awareness:
    We strive to enhance environmental awareness through educational activities for all executives and employees.

  7. 7

    Establishment of environmental management system:
    Through the establishment of an environmental management system, we set environmental targets and review them periodically for continuous improvement.

  8. 8

    Dissemination and disclosure of environmental policy:
    We make our environmental policy known to all executives and employees of the Group and disclose it to the public.

April 1st, 2024 Shinko Shoji Group President Tatsuya Ogawa
ISO 14001 Certification

All of the Shinko Shoji Group's business sites have acquired "ISO 14001" certification, the international standard for environmental management systems.
The Group has built and operated an environmental management system based on the international standard "ISO14001". Our environmental management initiatives include not only the reduction of negative environmental impact such as resource saving and energy saving. We also aim at widely contributing to society through the provision of products and services making use of information technology that support environmental conservation initiatives, and the provision of environmental solutions making use of our wide scope of experience and technical capability gained through our environmental businesses, which characterize our environmental management initiatives. By taking advantage of this certification, we will continue to protect the global environment, implement activities to preserve the good global environment for the future, and provide environmentally friendly products and services.

Environmental Quality Management System
ISO14001:2015(JIS Q 14001:2015)

Registration Certificate
Certification Agency
Registration Number
20002712 UM15
Registration Date
March 23, 2008
Expiration Date
May 21, 2027
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Climate Change
Utilizing the TCFD Recommendations to Capture Business Opportunities and Mitigate Risks

The electronics industry, in which the Group operates, is undergoing a period of great change as demand for new electronic parts is expected to grow along with the progress of IoT to promote digital transformation, the widespread use of AI and industrial robots, and the rapid shift to EVs in the automobile industry to achieve carbon neutrality. In light of the great uncertainty regarding environmental changes associated with climate change, we place importance on having a portfolio that enables us to respond quickly and optimally to changes in the diverse business environment and business challenges, as well as to appropriately address risks to ensure that we capture the growth opportunities presented by climate change. While using the TCFD recommendations as a benchmark in verifying the adequacy of our climate change responses, we steadily capitalize on growth opportunities and address risks in order to achieve sustainable growth. While some of the TCFD recommendations are still under discussion, and others will take multiple years to complete, we intend to fully disclose the matters we have addressed in due course.


Our group has the Sustainability Working Group, established under the Risk Management Committee chaired by our President/CEO.The Sustainability Working Group examines mid- and long-term challenges in countering climate change and other sustainability promotion efforts, and shares and discusses important issues on business risks, opportunities and measures, and reports the results to the Board of Directors.Under the risk management framework at the supervision of the Board of Directors, the working group continues to analyze groupwide risks concerning challenges facing our overall sustainability promotion efforts and examine and implement countermeasures.


We consider various risks and opportunities surrounding climate change as one of the important perspectives in building business strategies.
Because the impact of climate change may manifest in the mid- to long-term future, we identify risks and opportunities not only for the near future but also for the mid- to long-term future. Also in view of changes in external trends, we will regularly review our analyses and evaluations of risks and opportunities.

Risk Management

For risks and opportunities related to climate change that our group must take into account, the Sustainability Working Group assesses and identify them based on the results of internal and external survey conducted regularly. Upon assessing and identifying risks and opportunities, we utilize the findings in building strategies in our sustainability promotion framework.


In order to capture climate change-related opportunities and reduce risks, the Group has set "reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions" as its mid- to long-term climate change response indicator, and has calculated Scope 1 and 2 for FY2020 and beyond. In the future, we will continue to calculate Scope 1 and 2 for our group companies and Scope 3 for our supply chain, as well as to study targets, measures, and plans for "reduction of GHG emissions.


We have set our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target at 50% reduction in FY2030, with 2018 as the base year, We have set a target of carbon neutrality (virtually zero total CO2 emissions) by 2050, with 2018 as the base year.     

Index: GHG Emission Reduction

Yearly Transition of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission
Yearly Transition of Electric Power Consumption

* The Data shown here is the result of Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. only.

* Scope 1 refers to our direct greenhouse gas emission (i.e. fuel consumption, industrial process), while Scope 2 refers to indirect emission (i.e. emission caused by consumption of power and heat purchased).

* Scope 1 is based on the "List of Calculation Methods & Emission Factors in Calculation, Report & Publication Regime" by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

* Scope 2 is based on the "List of Calculation Methods & Emission Factors in Calculation, Report & Publication Regime" by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the "Adjusted Emission Factors" for respective power providers under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.