Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") believes that the correct handling of personal information of customers is fundamental to our business activities and also our social responsibility when providing products such as electronic products, mainly electronic device products, as well as software development and services, and will therefore promote the following initiatives.
We will provide education to all departments, officers, employees, etc. regarding the importance of protecting personal information and ensuring safety and reliability, and strive to comply with the "Compliance Program."
We will eliminate the possibility of personal information being stored and used in a dispersed manner, and will strive to improve the system for appropriate collection, use and provision of personal information, as well as to prevent and correct unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information in the course of our business, as well as ordinances, standards, guidelines, etc. regarding the protection of personal information established by government agencies, etc.
We will regularly review our Compliance Program to ensure that appropriate measures for protecting personal information are taken independently and strive for continuous improvement.
April 1, 2013
Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd.
President and CEO: Tatsuya Ogawa
In accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we will "publicly announce" the following items:
When you provide us with personal information directly in writing or by email, or when you enter it on the website, we will clearly indicate the purpose of use each time. When we directly or indirectly obtain personal information in other ways, we will handle it within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use listed below. However, when we notify or publicly announce the purpose of use individually, the purpose of use will be in accordance with that purpose.
Related to our products
We will not provide your personal information to a third party without your prior consent, except in the following cases:
Regarding "retained personal data," the Company will keep it "available to the individual" as follows:
Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd.
Related to our products
We will respond to requests for disclosure, modification, suspension of use, etc. of "retained personal data" from the person concerned or their agent.
□ Name □ Company (organization) name □ Department name □ Company (organization) address
□ Job title □ Department phone number □ Company (organization) owned mobile phone number
□ Department fax number □ Company (organization) email address □ Age □ Gender
□ Date of birth □ Home address □ Home phone number □ Personal mobile phone number
□Home fax number □Personal email address
When making a "request for disclosure, etc.",
Art Village Osaki Central Tower 13th floor, 2-2 Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8540
Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. General Affairs Department, Disclosure Request Application Reception Section
Disclosure request application form (PDF: 171K)
1,010 yen per application
Please enclose a reply envelope with a 1,010 yen postage stamp attached to it with your application documents.
For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact us at the address below.
Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Desk General Affairs Department
Telephone number 03-6361-8065
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:20
(This does not include the New Year holidays, national holidays, or other holidays specified separately by the company.)