
Social Initiatives

Quality Initiatives

Quality Policy

By providing high-quality products and services, we will satisfy our customers and contribute to society.

Code of Conduct

Shinko Shoji Group adheres to the following policies in conducting various business activities.

  • We comply with laws and regulations and meet customer requirements.
  • We strive to improve the quality of our products and services.
  • We strive to continually improve our quality management system.

April 1, 2024
Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. President and CEO Tatsuya Ogawa

ISO Certification

In order to improve the quality of our business activities, our group has established and is operating a quality management system based on ISO9001.
By working to improve our quality management, we aim to provide high-quality products and services, as well as to satisfy our customers and contribute to society.

Quality management system standard ISO9001:2015 (JIS Q 9001:2015)

Registration certificate
Examination body
DQS Japan Inc.
Registration number
20002712 QM15
Registration date
September 6, 2006
date of expiry
March 5, 2027
View PDF(238KB)

Scope of registration and registration certificate

Human Resources Philosophy

"Providing a place for self-realization and responding to the desire for growth" - "Human resources" are the foundation of the company

Since our founding, our Group has been conducting business activities with the principle of "respect for humanity." This clearly states that a company is supported by each and every employee, and that one of the company's objectives is for employees to "realize their own potential."


In accordance with our management philosophy, the Group places importance on diversity when promoting personnel, respects and accepts each individual, and promotes the most suitable personnel to maximize the capabilities of the organization. We strive to create an environment and develop human resources that allow diverse individuals to maximize their capabilities, and provide equal opportunities.

Diversity Standards Principles

Percentage of women, foreigners, and mid-career hires in management positions

FY2024 (Current status)Fiscal year ending March 2033 (target)
Mid-career hires18%20%
"PositiveAction Declaration"
Support for Wemen's Empowerment

To ensure that each and every female employee can work energetically and maximize her/his capabilities, we are working to provide comprehensive employee benefits and create a comfortable workplace suited to each stage of life.
We will continue to create a workplace where all employees can work with a challenging and rewarding spirit.

General Employer Action Plan

contribution to society

We support HOYA Corporation Eye Care Company's EyeCity eco project. Eye City's Eye City eco Project is an activity to contribute to society in the form of “environmental conservation through recycling of empty cases,” “support for the independence and employment of people with disabilities,” and “donation to the Japan Eye Bank Association*.

*Japan Eye Bank Association The Eye Bank Association of Japan is a non-profit public interest corporation established to raise awareness and promote corneal transplants and eye banks so that people in need of corneal transplants can regain their sight.

DateVolume collectedFor one piece (empty case)CO2 emissions reductionJapan Eye Bank Association Donation Amount
Before Feb. 202110.70kg10,700 pieces29.53kg-CO2 214.0Yen
June 15, 2021 5.56Kg 5,560 pieces15.35kg-CO2 111.2Yen
July 19, 2023 5.91kg 5,910 pieces16.31kg-CO2 118.2Yen
February 13, 2025 5.63kg 5,630 pieces15.54kg-CO2 112.6Yen

Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children(JCV)

We support the activities of the Japan Committee for Vaccines for the World's Children (JCV)*1, a certified non-profit organization, and participate in these activities through a non-profit organization that has Type B labor support facilities*2.

Fiscal year (J GAAP)NPO Receipt DateShipping quantity (pcs)Weight (kg)Number of vaccines (persons)CO2 emissions reduction
Before FY2021total amount114,638266.6133.3839.79
Fiscal Year 2022total amount 13,846 32.2 16.1101.43
Fiscal Year 2023total amount 16,727 38.9 19.45122.535
Fiscal Year 2024August 6, 2024 3,870 9.0 4.5 28.35
February 10, 2025 5,074 11.8 5.9 37.17
total amount8,944 20.8 10.4 65.52
cumulative total154,155358.5179.251,129.275

*1Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World's Children(JCV) A private international aid organization dedicated to protecting the smiles of children and their future by providing vaccines to developing countries. (Founded in 1994)

*2 Type B labor support business
This is a facility for continuous employment support based on the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act (formerly the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act).


We support the philosophy of the J-League and J-Clubs, and together with our business partners, we support J-League clubs with the aim of balancing business and social contribution.

Kyoto Purple Sanga Co., Ltd. endorses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations and declares that it will contribute to the realization of a sustainable environment, economy and society through proactive efforts to solve social issues.

With “Matsumoto Yamaga (community contribution activities) created together with stakeholders” as our keyword, we believe that we can become more needed by the community and society by taking a multifaceted view of things without leaving anyone behind and engaging in hometown activities that are more closely connected to the community.