IR News
- 2020.0626
Shareholders Meeting Information
"Notice of Resolutions of the 67th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders" has been posted. [PDF: 71K]
- 2020.0626
Securities Report
The "Extraordinary Report" has been posted. [PDF: 13K]
- 2020.0625
Timely Disclosure Information
"Corporate Governance Report" has been posted. [PDF, 254K]
- 2020.0625
Securities Report
We have posted the "Securities Report for the 67th fiscal year ending March 2020 (April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020), Confirmation of the Contents and Internal Control Report." [PDF, 1,169K]
- 2020.0619
Shareholders Meeting Information
We have posted a "Request for Refusal to Attend the General Meeting of Shareholders." [PDF: 131K]
- 2020.0612
Timely Disclosure Information
"Notice regarding organizational reform and personnel changes" has been posted. [PDF, 65K]
- 2020.0604
Shareholders Meeting Information
"Notice of the 67th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders" has been posted. [PDF, 988K]
- 2020.0604
Shareholders Meeting Information
"Notice of the 67th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders" [English version] has been posted. [PDF: 127K]
- 2020.0522
IR Library
"Financial Results Briefing for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2020" has been posted. [PDF, 8872K]
- 2020.0515
Summary of financial results
"Financial Results for the Period Ending March 2020" has been posted. [PDF, 279K]
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